Paul's Ace Hardware
is committed to providing solutions
with honesty and integrity.
Happy September to you!! This month begins with our beloved Labor Day! This day is significant not only because it marks the end of Arizona's summer heat (hopefully), but also because it honors the labor unions and workers who keep our country going strong. This month, will also mark the 23rd anniversary of 9/11. On Wednesday, September 11th, Paul's will distribute small United States flags in honor of the 2,996 people who died that day. Please stop by any of our eight locations to get yours and display it with pride and memory.
This time of year in Arizona brings monsoon season, cooler nights, and stunning Arizona sunsets. The official start of fall is Sunday, September 22, 2024, at 5:43 a.m. MST. Then, very soon the Holidays will be here! It's time to get those projects done that just didn't sound fun in this ridiculous heat AND those seasonal to-do's like planting your winter grass. Let us help you!
There's always plenty of reasons to shop your favorite Paul's location. No matter how big and no matter how small, Paul's Ace Hardware has it all! Along with some awesome month-long savings, I'm sure you can find several opportunities for us to help you. Check out the September Red Hot Buys, make your lists and head on in to your favorite Paul's location to get the best help in the valley!
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