Your Round Up donation is completely voluntary and you are free to opt out at the register. Conversely, we will accept any monetary donation above or absent of a Round Up at the register. Thank you!

Round Up for Charity May 2024

Round Up for Charity June 2024

May is all about the kiddos! We are asking our customers to round up their purchases at the registers for a variety of charitable organizations right in our neighborhoods. I just KNOW we can beat May's numbers and get funds to these incredibly worthy efforts.

You are all ACE-MAZING! Thank You!

Throughout the month of May, we asked our customers to round up their purchases at the registers to benefit a handful of local charities to benefit our veterans. You all outdid yourselves again and helped us raise an amazing $12,103.66! Add in our 10% match and we will be able to donate an astounding $13,314.02 to these fantastic organizations right in our communities! Absolutely incredible. See how YOUR Paul's location did below! Another incredible month that you should ALL be very proud of. A very humble "Thank you"!

$12,103.66 + Paul's 10% match =
​GRAND Total of

going back to OUR communities!

​That's HUGE!

If we don't have it, we will get it for you!