If we don't have it, we will get it for you!

The warmth of the halo's arms, 
Surrounding me in comfort and care, 
Brings back the memories of a woman who always cares.
No matter how much attitude I give her, 
No matter how many gray hairs she blames me for, 
She always has my back, 
She always loves me.

The halo's light washes away, 
And reveals a most beautiful face, 
The face of my mother. 

​I've never been alone with her. 

The cold waves lick at my face, 

And I'm alone in the current.

The current becomes stronger, 

And I'm ripped under the water.

The sun becomes obscured

In a haze of blue and black,

and is relit by a halo of gold.

By Bella


The halo sees me, 

It hears me, I'm no longer alone.

The current falters, 

And I slowly rise again. 

The water warms from the halo's light, 

And I'm no longer cold. 

The sun becomes illuminated at full glow, 

The sky is a watercolor display, 

Filled with the brightest colors life has to offer. 

I fall into the halo's arms,

And peace overcomes me.

I'm no longer alone.​​